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Submitted during Internship under Legal Specs by Sidhant Singh from Hidayatullah National Law University.


With more than half of the US states legalizing gay marriage, the fight for gay rights in general has come a long way since the 90s. It’s time to take a look at what legalizing gay marriage would mean for LGBTQ+ couples and society. There have been many opinions and studies on the subject, but to understand what legalizing gay marriage means for all of us, we need to look at both sides of the coin. On one hand, legalization could mean that society is more accepting and open to coming out as LGBTQ+. It could also improve mental health issues because there is less stigma around being in an LGBTQ+ relationship.

On the other hand, legalization could also lead to more discrimination against those who view homosexuality as immoral or a sin. We can see that there are both positive and negative effects from legalizing gay marriage on this issue- which can be seen through different lenses depending on someone's opinion or stance on homosexuality. This article will explore what legalizing gay marriage would mean for LGBTQ+ couples and society.

The Supreme Court ruled that same-sex marriages must be recognized on a federal level. This means that all US states must marry same-sex couples. Same-sex marriage is still illegal in 37 US states.

Legalizing gay marriage is a social and political issue that sparks debate. Some people are against this as they believe it goes against the Christian values of the Bible. Others argue that legalising gay marriage is not a linear case of Christians versus gays because there are lesbians and bisexual people who disagree with this kind of legislation. Others argue that legalizing gay marriage would be an important step for LBGTQ+ society because it will allow them to be equal before the law. And still others argue that legalizing gay marriage will have a positive impact on society as it will account for some societal demographics and help solve many demographic problems which result in many different kinds of social problems like unemployment, poverty, health care, finances, etc.

This section aims to analyse whether legalizing gay marriage would be beneficial or not for LGBTQ+ couples and society at large.


Gay marriage also known as same-sex marriage, is the legal recognition of relationships between two people of the same sex. It is an issue that has been widely debated and contested in many countries around the world, with some governments and societies recognizing and supporting same sex marriage and others opposing it. One of main arguments in favour of gay marriage is the principle of equality. Supporters of gay marriage argue that all people, regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity, should be treated equally under the law. They believe that the right to marry is a fundamental human right that should not be denied to anyone, and that denying gay couples the right to marry is a form of discrimination.

Another argument in favour of gay marriage is that it can provide important legal protections and benefits to gay couples. Marriage affords couples the opportunity to share in each other’s health insurance, pension plans, and other financial benefits. It also allows couples to make medical decisions on behalf of their partners, and to inherit property and assets in the event of a partner’s death. These protections and benefits are important for the well-being of any couple and denying them to gay couples can create significant hardships.

There are also arguments against gay marriage. Some people argue that marriage should be reserved for opposite-sex couples because it is a traditional institution that has always been defined in this way. They believe that redefining marriage to include same-sex couples would fundamentally change the nature of the institution and weaken its importance in society.

Others argue that gay marriage is a threat to the traditional family structure and to the well-being of children. They argue that children are best raised by a mother and a

father, and that allowing gay couples to marry would undermine this traditional family structure.


Legalizing gay marriage would have a number of significant impacts on LGBTQ+ couples and society as a whole.

For LGBTQ+ couples, the most obvious impact would be the ability to marry the person they love and to have their relationship recognized as a marriage by the law. This would provide a number of important legal protections and benefits, such as the ability to make medical decisions on behalf of a partner, to inherit property and assets, and to share in each other’s health insurance and pension plans. These protections and benefits are important for the well-being of any couple and providing them to LGBTQ+ couples would help to ensure that they are able to live happy and healthy lives together.

Legalizing gay marriage would also have a number of broader societal impacts. It would be a major step forward in the fight for LGBTQ+ rights and equality, and would send a strong message that LGBTQ+ people are valued and accepted members of society. This could help to reduce discrimination and prejudice against LGBTQ+ people, and create a more inclusive and welcoming society for everyone. Legalizing gay marriage could also have economic benefits. Many gay couples would likely choose to marry if it became legal, which would lead to an increase in the number of weddings and related industries such as catering, photography, and event planning. This could provide a boost to the economy and create new job opportunities.

Overall, legalizing gay marriage would be a positive step for LGBTQ+ couples and for society as a whole. It would provide important legal protections and benefits to LGBTQ+ couples, and would help to create a more inclusive and equal society for everyone.


There are several approaches that have been proposed as solutions for the issue of gay marriage. Here are a few:

i. Legalization of same-sex marriage: This approach involves changing the laws to allow same-sex couples to marry just like opposite-sex couples. This has been the approach taken in many countries around the world, and has resulted in the recognition of same-sex marriage by the governments of those countries.

ii. Civil unions: Some countries and regions have chosen to create a separate legal status for same-sex couples known as “civil unions”. These unions provide some, but not all, of the legal rights and protections of marriage.

iii. Domestic partnerships: Similar to civil unions, domestic partnerships are a legal relationship that provides some, but not all, of the legal rights and protections of marriage. Domestic partnerships are often available to same-sex couples, as well as opposite-sex couples who are not able to marry (e.g. because one partner is still married to someone else).

iv. Legal recognition of non-traditional relationships: Some people have proposed recognizing a wide range of relationships, including same-sex relationships, as long as they are long-term and committed. This approach could involve providing legal protections and benefits to these relationships, without necessarily calling them “marriages”.

v. No legal recognition: Another approach is to simply not provide any legal recognition for same-sex relationships, and to leave the matter up to religious organizations or other private entities. This approach would mean that same sex couples would not have access to the same legal rights and protections as opposite-sex married couples.

We have to accept that the issue of Gay marriage can be solved when a Gay has also been given equal rights like a common man. So these are some solutions for restoring rights of Gay:-

I. Legal Protections: One approach is to pass laws that specifically protect LGBTQ individuals from discrimination and provide them with

the same rights and protections as non-LGBTQ individuals. These protections could cover areas such as employment, housing, education and healthcare.

ii. Education and Awareness-raising: Another approach is to focus on increasing understanding and acceptance of LGBTQ individuals through education and awareness-raising efforts. This could involve educating the public about LGBTQ issues and the challenges that LGBTQ individuals face, as well as working to create a more inclusive and accepting environment for LGBTQ individuals.

iii. Advocacy and Activism: LGBTQ advocacy and activist groups play an important role in raising awareness about the issues facing the LGBTQ community and working to promote equality and justice. These groups often engage in lobbying efforts, grassroots organizing, and other forms of advocacy to push for changes in laws and policies that will benefit LGBTQ individuals.

iv. Allyship: Non-LGBTQ individuals can also play a role in supporting LGBTQ rights by being allies. This involves standing up for LGBTQ individuals and their rights, speaking out against discrimination and injustice, and supporting LGBTQ-inclusive policies and practices.

v. Legal Action: In some cases, it may be necessary to take legal action to challenge discrimination and secure the rights of LGBTQ individuals. This could involve filing lawsuits or working with legal organizations to challenge discriminatory laws or policies.


It is difficult to make a definitive conclusion about the effects of legalizing gay marriage, as it is a complex issue with many social, cultural, and political dimensions. However there are a few potential effects that have been widely discussed. Legalizing gay marriage provides legal recognition and protections to same-sex couples, which can help to ensure that they have the same rights and benefits as opposite-sex couples. Legalizing gay marriage may also lead to increased social acceptance of LGBTQ+ individuals which could help to reduce discrimination and stigma. Legalizing gay marriage could have positive economic effects, such as increased tourism and boosting the wedding industry. Some people may argue that legalizing gay marriage could have negative social or cultural effects, such as undermining traditional marriage or leading to a decline in the institution of marriage overall.

It is important to note that the effects of legalizing gay marriage will likely vary depending on the specific context and the cultural and social norms in place in a given society.

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